Revisions to Approved Plans (RTAP)​

A Revisions to Approved Plan is defined as a change to the original approved project that is relatively minor in scope. Typically, the changes are driven by unforeseen field conditions, value engineering, or owner changes. Examples of such changes are: moving the location of a walls or doors or moving the location of ducts.

The Revisions to Approved Plans process should not be used for adding square footage to a project, up fitting an additional suite, or for adding significant new scope of work to the project.

In summary, plans should be modified, submitted, and reviewed for compliance if a permit has been issued for a project and code related changes to the approved set of plans are required.

There are two main types of Revisions to Approved Plans. The two ways to address changes are; handled in the field, by the Field Inspector, or in Plan Review.

RTAP Handled in the Field – Documentation Upload Only: These changes are initiated by the Code Enforcement Official/Field Inspector. Changes in scope are brought to the attention of the Field Inspector by the contractor, or through an inspection failure. The Code Enforcement Official/Field Inspector will request the changes be uploaded electronically, to the permit, for code compliance during the field inspection process. With this method, plans are not required to be submitted; however, the Field Inspector may request a scoping letter or other documentation during the inspection.

RTAP for OnSchedule Plan Review

Type 1 - Voluntary

These changes are initiated by the owner's team and include changes to the approved plans such as owner changes and value engineering. The modified plan sheets would be submitted through the OnSchedule Review process. With this method, the design professional in charge should submit an OnSchedule RTAP Application with a scoping letter to Mecklenburg County Code Enforcement through the Electronic Plan Management system. The application will request the original project number and link the revised plan sheets to the originally approved plans. The plan changes shall be clouded or bubbled, and each revised sheet will need to include the revision date. The cost for this method is $145.00/hour per trade.

Type 2 - Required / Field Driven

These changes are initiated by the Code Enforcement Official/Field Inspector. When required by the Field Inspector, the modified plan sheets would be submitted through the OnSchedule Review process. With this method, the design professional in charge should submit an OnSchedule RTAP Application with a scoping letter to Mecklenburg County Code Enforcement through the Electronic Plan Management system. The application will request the original project number and link the revised plan sheets to the originally approved plans. When submitting the revisions, the design professional will be prompted to select which required RTAP trade(s) the submittal is addressing. The plan changes shall be clouded or bubbled, and each sheet will need to include the revision date. The cost for this method is $145.00/hour per trade.